In this English article, you will gain proficiency with some helpful English phrasal verbs identified with the Holiday season. English phrasal verbs assist you with working on your English familiarity and communicate in English fluidly and certainly. Most familiar English speakers utilize phrasal verbs in their day-by-day English discussions.
Hello, I am going on a holiday what about you, I'm setting off on an awesome journey to France.
It's time that we start talking about holidays but how do we do that?
We do that using some awesome phrasal verbs. Stay with me if you want to learn some phrasal verbs for the holiday season.
We are setting off on an awesome journey of learning phrasal verbs for a holiday season, but what do we mean by setting off? do you want to find out stay tuned with me the first phrasal verb that we have with us is going away so where are you going away this summer? This means that where are you going go away doesn't mean I'm asking you to leave go away means where are you going away which means that way to which place are you going this summer so go away means to go on a holiday.
All right now if you want to tell somebody that you are going away somewhere you can also say get away you can say that I'm getting away for a few days let's meet next week because this week you're going you're getting away somewhere which has the same meaning as go away which means to go somewhere for a holiday.
We look at the third word that we have wind down what do we mean by the wind down so actually wind down obviously can mean something else also when you wind down or when you sit down but here wind down means to relax yes so when you go on a holiday you wind down for a while which means that you relax for a while.
Kick back
Kick back how can you kick backward or of course you can kick back but sometimes you can kick back on holidays by just chilling or chill out so chill out is another phrasal verb which means same as kickback which means to enjoy your holiday and to be away from all the work for some time so chill out so if you know a person who is slightly laid back and does not get too serious you could say that oh she's a kicked out kind of girl or she's a chilled out kind of girl or he's a chilled out guy which means that they're very relaxed and they don't take things too seriously okay.
some time off
some time off so
how can you take some time off from the clock, no what it means here is that when you want to go on a holiday you have to take some time off from your work so if you're working you need to take a break and if you want to ask for a break then you must know this phrasal verb which means that you're asking for a break so you could say excuse me, sir, I need some time off which means that I need a break why because you're going on a holiday along with me to take a break means to take
some time off.
6. Set
off & check-in
On a journey set off on a journey means to leave for a journey. okay, now when you set off for a journey the first thing that you will do is you will check in the airport so check-in is the basic entry into the airport for the rest of the process then you undergo the security check, and then you set off for the journey so the first thing that you need to do for setting off is to check-in at the airport.
Wait around
Sometimes we all really don't like waiting at the airport but sometimes you don't have an option right your flight is at five and you have already checked in at 3:30 then what do you do for an hour and a half for that hour and a half you wait around which means that you wait for your flight and you check out the things around maybe you buy something you eat something. So, you wait around or hang around which means you check out so when you're waiting around you check out the things around you.
Take off & Touch down
Once you're finally in the flight you're sitting you've boarded the flight then you take off for your destination which means that the plane starts to fly in the sky all right it leaves the ground and starts to fly in the sky and that is called taking off so only when the plane takes off you have set off on your journey okay so when the plane flies and leaves the ground it begins to take off right so once you've taken off the next thing that happens in the plane is that you touch down which means that you land means that the plane touches the land so touchdown is plane touching the land so you could say that I have touchdowns if somebody's asking you to ring up when you land you could pick up the call and say that hey I have already touched down in France or in Paris all right so now that you have touched down.
Show you around, polish up
Show you around so if you're visiting a place for the first time you need someone to show you around the place which means that you might want to see all the spots around you the famous spots and for that you might need a guide so the guide will show you around okay the next one we have is polished up so before you head to a new country like I told you you might need someone to show you around but even before that you might need to polish up your language skills which means that you might need to brush up your language possibly English if you don't know how to speak English and you're in a foreign country then you're surely going to face some problem so at this moment you're doing the best thing by watching my lesson because you're polishing up and brushing up your language skills which mean that you're improving them.
While away, soaking up, indulge in, round off, stay on
Now there are all kinds of people who like to spend their holidays in a very different manner. Some people like to while away on their holidays, which means that they like to be lazy on their holiday and just spend their time lazing around okay. Those are the people who while away their holiday. This means that they lay on their holidays so they are not lazy but they're just enjoying the holiday by being laid back or sometimes.
They're simply soaking up the sun which means that they're enjoying the natural beauty experiencing, the atmosphere and the change of the place where they are so soap are to experience the atmosphere but there are some people like me who love to have a holiday which is packed so what is a holiday which is packed a packed holiday is one where you do not while away but you do a lot of things so you go and visit all the famous spots you go to the famous restaurant's bars and you see all the natural spots so you don't lace around in your bed because somehow we can do that at our home also but when I like to go on a holiday I like it to be packed with lots of fun.
The next one we have is indulge in, trust
me to indulge in is the best thing about a holiday so you give yourself the freedom to eat out on a holiday because that time you can treat yourself and eat whatever you want so indulging in means that you are eating a lot of interesting and delicious food so indulge in means eating delicious food, you're indulging in yourself with the food.
Now finally to round off the lesson and to round off your trip you might want to go for dinner or go out with somebody round off means to finish your trip so to finish your trip you might want to do something very interesting now that's your call what you would like to do so round off means to finish the trip so when you round off your trip you can say that, okay I'm gonna round off my trip and now I'll see you three days later because I'll come back to the city so rounding off means finishing the trip all right so while we round off this lesson we quickly touch upon.
One last word and which stay on I'm sure you want to stay on in this lesson because it was so much fun the same way sometimes when we go on a holiday we do not want to go back so that's when you say stay on so you could say that I really want to stay on here I had so much fun which means that you do not want to go back to your city so stay on means to stay back at a holiday destination right so here we are at the end of the lesson and I hope you had great fun so we end this lesson on a very good note and I hope you'll come back for more lessons with me where we are gonna have much more fun than this so have a safe and happy holiday thanks for watching
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